We started off the day with an engagement photo session with Heather, our wedding photographer. We met her in College Park at the University of Maryland. We decided to do our pictures there because not only is it my alma mater, but it is where we met. We spent almost every weekend together there after we met.
We really lucked out with the weather. I thought it was going to be cold and I was prepared to suffer for the sake of the pictures, but we lucked out! The sun was out and there was only a little bit of crisp in the air. Walking around in jeans and a short sleeve shirt was just fine.
We took pictures with Testudo on the Mall, and around some of the buildings. We got some pictures in the "downtown" area of CP. We also got a few shapshots in front of the anchor at Delta Gamma, and yes, I wore the anchor dress!
We don't have the proofs yet, but check out our photographer's blog! Once they are up I will add photos.
Picture courtesy of Ashley Estill Photography.
After the photos we headed straight for Annapolis where my Dear Aunt Penny threw us an engagement party! It was tacky Hawaiian themed (a classy luau just wouldn't be as fun!) and I was flaunting a grass skirt and my very own pair of sea shells.
Picture courtesy of Ashley Estill Photography.
The food was great! All tropical, including the most delicious cole slaw I've ever had! Now I must retract a statement I made at the party. My Aunt did not buy the slaw from Costco! She made it! So everyone, please excuse my error! The recipe is below:
Peanut Ginger Cole Slaw
This simple recipe for an Asian flavored cole slaw includes red and green cabbage, grated carrots, green onions, cilantro, peanuts, wine vinegar, and sesame oil. Cole Slaw Ingredients· 2 Tablespoons of light corn syrup
· 2 Tablespoons of sesame oil
· 1 cup of mayonnaise
· 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar
Dressing Ingredients· 1 head of green cabbage, thinly sliced
· 1/2 head of red cabbage, thinly sliced
· 2 tablespoon of crystalized ginger, chopped
· 3 carrots, peeled and grated
· 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
· 1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced
· 1 cup roasted and salted peanuts
Beat the dressing ingredients together with a wire wisk. Stir the dressing mixture into the cole slaw vegetables and mix well.
We had a really good cake too! Which we all enjoyed after JJ got a comical beating from my Aunt!
Picture courtesy of Ashley Estill Photography.It was really nice to have all of my family and friends together to celebrate our engagement. Many of the people I had not seen since I first moved from Maryland, so it was a real treat.
The boys had cigars!!!

Big PopPop
Picture courtesy of Ashley Estill Photography.
Picture courtesy of Ashley Estill Photography.

I have another confession to make! There was a mystery gift and I'm not sure who to thank! So this is to you, who ever you are!

Dear Clever Wine Gifter,
Thank you so much for attending for our engagement party (you were no doubt there since you delivered the gift).
We are so glad that you could share with us during this special time. The Monogamy wine gave us a giggle! It will be much enjoyed in Hawaii. And we look forward to hosting you, when you visit!
Emma & JJ
I want to again thank everyone who could come to the party. I'm so glad to have some many wonderful people in my life! I love you all dearly and I will miss you. Some good news though... you know you always have a place to stay in HAWAII!
I know there was no way it was store bought. Aunt Penny the slaw was incredible!